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IMA magazine 2023 Spring/Summer vol.39


My work "disguise" is featured in IMA magazine vol.39. 

Thank you very much for the interest of my work.

「disguise」シリーズがIMA magazine vol.39にて特集されました。



Ina Nobuo Award Exhibition 28,03,2023-10,04,2023 at Nikon Salon

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My new work "disguise" is awarded Ina Nobuo Award. 

Thank you very much for the interest of my work.

This work will be exhibit at Nikon Salon,Tokyo, Japan.

For further information about my work, please look at the website.






Japan Photo Award vol.10 Antonio Scoccimarro Award

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My new work "Alchemy" is awarded by Antonio Scoccimarro at Japan Photo Award vol.10. 

Thank you very much for your interest of my work.

This work will be exhibit at KG+ Kyotographie, Hotel Anteroom Kyoto, Japan.

For further information about my work, please look at the website.

私の新しい作品、「Alchemy」がJapan Photo AwardにてAntonio Scoccimarro賞を受賞いたしました。





​Artist in FAS, Fujisawa City Art Space, 14.01.2023-19.03.2023

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I am very grateful to participate a group exhibition "Artists in FAS" at Fujisawa City Art Space.

I did artist residence in Fujisawa city, and I made a video installation.

This project is supported by Fujisawa City and also Fachauschuss Film und Medien Kunst Kanton Stadt-Basel Kanton Basel Landschaft.

You can find more information from here.



展示では、「A Little Over」という映像インスタレーションを発表予定です。

このプロジェクトは、藤沢市とFachauschuss Film und Medien Kunst Kanton Stadt-Basel Kanton Basel Landschaftの






IMA next EXHBITION 02, Space Lucida, Tokyo, 17.12.2022-02.01.2023

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I am very grateful to participate a group exhibition "EXHIBITION 02" at Kitamura Shashinki Ten.

You can find the information from here.


北村写真機店にて、IMA nextのグランプリ受賞者の展覧会が開催されます




Solo Exhibition "disguise", Nikon Salon Tokyo, 29.11.2022-12.12.2022

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I am very grateful to have a solo exhibition at Nikon Salon Tokyo.

ニコンサロンで、disguise シリーズの個展が行われます。




SCREEN, La Nuu Rubí International Photography Festival​, 29 October, 2022

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I am very grateful to participate SCREEN at La Nuu Rubí International Photography Festival. 

My work disguise was selected for the screening. 

Thank you very much for your  interest in my work.

disguiseシリーズのスライドショーが、La Nuu Rubí International Photographyにて発表されます。




OFF GRID, Vienna, 07-09, September, 2022

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Pitch Grant Grand Prix at Shogunzuka Seiryuden, Kyoto in 2022

I am very grateful to participate OFF GRID in Vienna.

I will exhibit my "disguise" series.

​ウィーンで開催されるOFF GRID”disguise” シリーズが展示されます。




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Recently, my work 'disguise' won the Grand Prix at PITCH GRANT organised by Kosuke Okahara,

as a result of visitors' votes.


I am very grateful to PITCH GRANT for giving me this opportunity and to the jury for selecting the finalists.

It is grateful to know that my work can be understood by the people who were there.


I will do my best to get the DISGUISE series into a book in a proper format!

先日行われた、岡原功祐さん主催のPITCH GRANTにて、




これほどにも嬉しいことなのだと知ることができ、このような機会を設けてくださったPITCH GRANTと、



”disguise” シリーズが、きちんとした形で本になれるように、頑張ります。



IMA next "OTHER HISTORIES"  Grand Prix


The series "disguise" was awarded by Simon Baker, who is the director of MEP in Paris.

Thank you very much for your  interest in my work.

You can find the comment from Simon Baker about my work from here .

Thank you very much to the IMA next team for this wonderful opportunity.

I will continue this project as a book and hope to complete the book as soon as possible!




素晴らしい機会を与えてくださったIMA nextチームの皆様、ありがとうございました。


PITCH GRANT Final Presantation 16.04.2022

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I will participate as a finalist in the presentation of PITCH GRANT on 16.04.2022.

PITCH GRANTの最終審査が京都にある青蓮院の将軍塚青龍殿で行われます。



© 2023 Eriko Miyata 

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